Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Nightmare Fuel

I had a really freaky nightmare last night, so I'm hoping someone out there can tell me what it means.

In the dream, I was running through the forest:

I was being chased by something large and evil, that made a strange, mechanical sound like this:


The sound grew faster and louder!



I woke up in a cold sweat and couldn't get back to sleep.  What does it all mean??

Reading over this post I realize how ridiculous this sounds.  But trust was freaky.


  1. Is Missy's sewing getting on your nerves?

  2. Forests, especially in this sort of dream, are indicative of feeling lost or confused. As for the sewing machine, it is greatly based on your own experiences with sewing. It can be anything from the creative process to feminine energy. The fact it's a sewing 'machine' can make a point of lacking emotion or an 'auto-pilot' mentality.

    Maybe you're starting to feel like you're becoming lost in your creative process, becoming a machine, so to speak, and not sure how to get out of it.

    But ultimately, you have to figure it out.

  3. @Danny Actually I think it has more to do with not eating garlic puffs right before bed...but that too

  4. What it means (a multiple choice interpretation):
    A)That Flocke was really just trying to get the LOST cast to have clothing that wasn't tattered and torn and that the voices in the woods were the sounds of fabric scraps that have been callously cut off my seamstresses who buy more fabric than they need for a project. (ABC)

    B)The forest represents your "mental space," the dark and threatening wood represent those dark and unexplored areas of your psyche. The running and chasing suggests your unconscious attempting to catch up with your conscious in order for you to become more aware of yourself and your own multidimensional nature. The sewing machine represents worldly appearance or status.(Jung)

    C)You feel trapped by impending domesticity relentlessly pursuing you through the dense forest jungle of your wild youth. (Freud)

    D) That you had too many fish tacos before bed last night. (Emril)

    E) You need to create an awesome, swanky steampunk costume for Halloween. (Philo)

  5. @Brent - I'm going to choose E, thought it was probably D. (In fact, I'm pretty sure it was D. I had like a MILLION last night.) Steampunk costumes FTW!

  6. According to, "To see a sewing machine in your dream, denotes that economizing will help you through difficult times. You need to be more frugal."

    Who knew?

    Also, it says of a forest, "To dream that you are in or walking through the forest, signifies a transitional phase. Follow your instincts. Alternatively, it indicates that you want to escape to a simpler way of life. You are feeling weighed down by the demands of your life."

    So, I think your solution is pretty clear: simplify, simplify, simplify! Get rid of all those things that are cluttering your life!

    P.S. Let me know if you are getting rid of anything good... ;o)

  7. Oh, and btw, my younger sister once had an apparently horrifying dream about a giant tissue with Christmas lights on it. Honestly, in a dream, anything can be scary.

  8. I once had a nightmare in which the frumpy old lady who works at my school's information desk is chasing me with a machine gun.

    Every nightmare is terrifying in it's own special way...

  9. You probably should have eaten the garlic puffs.

  10. Hey Heather,
    I just stumbled upon your blog and thought it was great. Your writing is just as funny as your art and both are very enjoyable. Really great stuff here, will be adding your site to my favorites list.

  11. I'm so glad you have a blog...sorry about your freaky nightmare...but it makes a hilarious board :)

  12. Is it a Project Runway thing, mayhaps? All the drama happens in the sewing room anyways. Was there a Tim Gunn in the dream?

  13. I've heard of dream journaling but dream boarding is so much more dynamic! It's great! Thanks for sharing!
