Sunday, January 23, 2011

Until the wind changes...


Lately I've been getting some new blog traffic. Which isn't bad, but I'm notoriously shy and I've noticed I'm getting lot more nervous about what I post. Since I gotta be me, I'm making this blog private until I can figure out whether to delete it or not.

Yes Mom, of course you are invited. And so are all friends and family (all three of you.)

If you're an artist and your eyes haven't been burned out deserve a medal. But you're invited too. :)


  1. Not sure I qualify for friend/family/artist status, but I good luck! I've enjoyed your work!

  2. Hi, I follow your blog for inspiration and would love to be allowed to keep do. :)

  3. I love your stuff! Hope you keep this blog public:)

  4. Of course you guys are invited! When it goes private, just click on the button that says "Contact"--(or whatever that button says) and I'll be able to approve it.

    I think my general feeling is, if you like the blog enough to ask to see it, then you have "in" :)

  5. Cool! I'll keep an eye out, then. I really, REALLY love your funny posts/stories and your work is quite inspirational to me.

    So... you know... it's good to know we'll be allowed to ask you access once you've switched to private mode! ^_^

  6. Muito legal teu trabalho, parabéns!
    Abraço cordial e muito sucesso para ti.

  7. Private? No way. Your stuff is great. It needs to be shared. Don't be scared. Be super happy that people are finding your work (because it's great.)

  8. Oh cool! I'll keep following you then! : )

  9. Oh yes I've only just discovered your blog but I would love to be able to follow you - I especially like this piece of 'soaring' Mary Poppins that you have done - the colours are fab! I'm from New Zealand so you have a fan from across the other side of the world. : )

  10. You are a constant inspiration! I'd love to following your artwork and stories!

  11. I have to say I reaaaally love your work! I'm always looking at your blog and DA for new things. Well, I think you should keep it public: you isnpire people. I'd love to continue following your blog but I think I ain't at the categories of family, friends and artist. I'm from Brazil so you have another foreign fan!

  12. Whatever you do, DON'T delete it! If you must go private, you must, but don't let's be crazy!

    P.S. I just noticed you have linked to us. Awesome!

  13. It's up to you, but I agree with Will. Your stuff is awesome and strangers passing through the blogosphere would love to see it.

  14. I might be remiss on how to get invited to the blog--I'm not for sure there is a "contact" button. So, just in case, email me @ and I think I'll be able to figure it out from there.

  15. YOU are getting blog traffic because you're an author now and people are talking about your book and looking it up :P

    And having a blog/website as an author is a good idea. Honest!

    BTW, I'm Ashley's friend. I come by here from time to time. Like when I colored in your Mary Poppins drawing. And I'm excited to read your book when I get my hands on it.

  16. I hope you'll reconsider going private because I won't be able to refer people to your hilarious blog. It's just too good to keep private!!

    If you do go private, you MUST invite me. Send me an email -- I think my address is on my facebook profile. Or I'll just send you one.

    BTW, I love the Mary Poppins allusion and illustration. Big surprise, I know.

  17. Don't hide that talent under a bushel!

    Change your settings so that the google search engine doesn't search your blog. Then put on google analytics to capture the IPs of folks who visit. I'd bet most of the creepy traffic is from webcrawlers.

    (Unless you're getting weird emails. I hope they don't find out that you really live in Tanzania!)

  18. Hey Heather, again, I read about your blog on deviantart, and if you don't mind I'd really love to be invited, since your works are adorable and and a great inspiration! cheers :)

  19. I want to be invited. Can I beg? Really I will. Beg. Beg. Beg.

    Beg some more.

    Sitting and waiting with puppy dog eyes.

  20. I'd love to be able to keep reading your blog! I think your illustrations are really beautiful - actually, I think everyone should see them, they're lovely! :)


    (Can I please get an invite?)

  22. If you want to set up a second more 'public' site, ya know, for those poor souls who are left without the awesomeness, just let me know. I've got connections. ;D

  23. Hurrah, I'm in the hip circle. Alas, your posts won't show up in my Reader now. I guess I'll just have to check it periodically with hopes there will be something new.

  24. Thank you for letting me in on the artsitude! This must be how a kitten with a feather feels.

  25. Glad to get into the party. Thanks, Heather. I find you wildly creative and enjoy your posts.

  26. I hope I didn't leave anyone out...there were like a bunch of emails to sort through and I'm kinda dum.

    ONe thing I didn't know: blogger has a limit of 100 readers of private blogs! I'm not sure if that'll take.

  27. Thanks for inviting me Heather - I'm sooooo glad that I found your blog before it went private. : )

  28. Thank you SOO much for inviting me :) it makes my heart explode with joy (I'm cleaning up the fluids off the screen)
