Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Coloring contest!

I don't much talk about my story work, but today is a little different because it's the release day of "Entwined," a young adult retelling of The Twelve Dancing Princesses. I started it over 5 years ago and it's neat to see it finally come to a head. I definitely owe a great thank-you to the generous help from a talented editor, and agent, and so many more. When I can sort my brain out I'll post a better, more reflective entry later this week.

But today: FUN!

Check it out--

Jacket by Lara Jade and the talented Greenwillow team. Talk about glam!  
I know you want a piece of this sweet girly action.

I KNOW RIGHT! This glamtastic book could be YOURS!! Here's how to play:

1) Pick one of the pictures below to print.

2) Color it. Any medium is game, including digital.

3) Scan in and send to my email address, storyboarder@gmail.com. Don't forget your name and age and stuff.

DEADLINE: You have until Friday, April 22nd. The pictures will be judged by a real live artist! (not me) and winners will be announced on Easter, April 24th.

These coloring pages feature characters from the novel. You might not be able to tell but they like to dance.

Some additional stuffs:

-The contest will be split into 3 age divisions: ages 0-11, 12-19, and 20+.

-Only one entry per person. Luckily, since it's on the computer, if you botch it you can just print out another one.

-Changes like adding a background & tweaking the linework is a-ok.

-Contest is open to anyone, including international peeps.

You can leave any questions in the comments section too. Thanks guys!

Additional note: I have no idea if anyone will actually enter this contest...it is, after all, kind of untraditional. However if you're looking for normal I don't know why you're on this blog.


  1. Oh boy I'm keen! I always loved the story of the 12 Dancing Princesses too so I'll give it a shot. : ) Congrats on your book too Heather! It looks awesome.

  2. That cover is STUNNING! Loving the foil as well. Brill! CONGRATS!

  3. Hi Heather, Someone tweeted about your coloring contest so I had to check it out. Congrats, on your book~its premise sounds very intriguing! :-) I'd love to participate in your contest. Thanks for putting it on.

    :-) Edna

  4. Congratulations on the book, looks like the cover turned out nice!

  5. SO fun! I am printing them for color time for my daughter and I today! Congrats Heather! You know I love your book!

  6. I am tooooootally participating in this. Maybe The Wife will be interested too. *sends her the link*

  7. How much fun is this? I'm so in. Maybe I'll rope my housemates into it too. :)

  8. I'd so do this, but I'll already have a copy... Can we participate just for fun?

  9. Love this idea! I'm gonna get my daughters to color these this weekend. During conference. Yeah!

  10. My son wants to know if there are any boy coloring pages. I told him Uncle Dan colors princesses, so he could too. :)

    (Dan Haring's sister)

  11. Oh I do so want to do this!
    Hopefully I can finish my comissions in time to enter!
    So excited about the book!
    If I can't win it then I'll buy it anyway :P

  12. PS. Can I also say I love their floral names? I'm looking forward to the rest, hopefully in ABC order. (Guessing Dahlia, Fern, Hyacinth, Ivy...)

  13. Congratulations Heather. I'm sure my daughters will want to participate... and my wife will want to read it too-- she's an over the top "12 Dancing Princesses" enthusiast.

    I'm hoping to follow in your footsteps. Been working on my own juvenile fantasy novel for nearly a year. No publishing date pending (before I die hopefully).

  14. Congratulations!! So exciting! Love the pictures.
    I'm curious whether or not you're writing any more books!? Please say yes? Pretty please? :)

  15. I'm kinda sad you didn't make a coloring page for Delphinium... she's one of my favs! I am super excited to color these though! Congrats on the book!


    Love love love the coloring pages, too! And what a great idea! :D Most def will be entering!

    <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

  17. Ohhhh gorgeous artwork to go with your wonderful book! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU AND FREAKING OUT RIGHT NOW!!!

  18. Congratulations on your release day! I'm so proud (and jealous) of you! I can't wait to get my grubby mitts on a copy and shill it to everyone I've ever met in my life.

  19. Woot! Woot! Happy Birthday to your book! I just want to break into song and serenade it and you. Congrats piled on congrats! *Waiting for mailman to bring my copy. Grumbles impatiently.*

  20. What if I have my niece color them for me? I'm actually not kidding, since she LOVES everything to do with princesses and will be ecstatic when I print them off for her. She's a bit young for the book, though, at 7, so I'd have to take it instead . . .

  21. Yay! I just sent in my entry. :) This was fun.

  22. If I already have your book, does that automatically disqualify me? What if I just wanted to color one of the images (all are great btw) just for the fun of it? :D

    As an aside, I'm glad you didn't completely shelf the Story Monster because OMG your blog makes me dance inside. Seriously hilarity.

  23. Drew was right--I AM interested in this! I love a fun contest and I love the cover of your book too.

  24. Hello Heather,

    I did up a book review & linked to the contest for the Indigo/Chapters Teen blog this week. It can be found here: http://blog.indigo.ca/teen/item/312-review-entwined.html

    Really enjoyed the book :) ! Would love to see it as a film as well!


  25. @Natalie - My goodness! Thank you so much! #^_^#

  26. I gotta find and marry Azalea somethin' fierce!

  27. I love this idea for a contest! I stumbled across your book a week ago when I was browsing preorders and have been dying to read it ever since!

  28. Do you have to be able to see the outlines in the final piece?

  29. @K. Oak - Nope. You can completely paint over them if you like :)

  30. I'm so excited to have discovered you. Your book sounds amazing and I can't wait to read it!

  31. Heather! When I heard you'd written a book I freaked out! I told everyone I had to read it! It took a while for me to finally get a hold of the books, but your cousins so kindly let me borrow their copy. :) I just finished it and I absolutely loved it! The end was so intense and it ended just like I was hoping it would! I kept thinking to myself, I can't believe I actually know this person, that wrote this! I feel so special now! Ha ha! Anyways you did awesome and it's great to see that you are doing amazing things! My sisters and I LOVE your blog! We stay up late reading it and laughing our heads off! I'm going to have to buy my own copy and get it autographed! Amazing job!
    -Sarah Hamilton

  32. Heather, I'm wondering, do you know Hannah Thompson

  33. @Sarah - I think I love you...FOREVER!!

    @Leo - Why yes I do! She is a total dollface (and a very good artist too.) Do you know her?

  34. Why yes, I do, we go to the same high school. I was talking to her about your blog and she said she knew you. This is such a small world.
