Thursday, October 9, 2014

More Mary Poppins

Too soon for a Mary Poppins fanart?

A:  It is NEVER too soon for a Mary Poppins fanart.

I met Mary Poppins in Disneyland last week!!

...sort of.

I was there with my, my whole family, nieces, nephews, all (which means we filled up the park!) and there she was, standing next to the band at the entrance.

Well, of course my little nieces got way excited and thought I ought to take a picture with her!

(Ok...I was pretty excited too :)



 And I'll be darned, she turned her back on us!

And I was like:


I think that was when we decided Star Tours probably didn't have a line.

If this doesn't satiate your thirst for Mary Poppins* goodness, you can follow me on Instagram, where I'm doing a bit of Inktober and a lot of Mary Poppins  ^_^

*the real one


  1. He he, look at the imposter's face! Seriously, it is PERFECT! And I can relate to having an extra large family. Do you ever do anything like this:

    Stranger: My my, SIX children in the family?
    Me: Oh, yeah.
    Stranger: Your poor mother.
    Me: Oh, she's not the worst off. You see, I have fifty cousins. Stranger: O_o
    Me: Well, technically I only have 48 cousins, the other two haven't been born yet... Stranger: Backs away looking horrified.

  2. This made me laugh so hard! I really wish I could've been there!

  3. Hahaha. Thanks guys ^_^

    @Elsabet - I know right! Big families are the BEST!

  4. This breaks my heart. Please tell me it was an imposter and not my favorite Mary. I just can't. 😭
