Friday, July 10, 2015

I'm a Jerk {Episode 594}

 There are some swanky apartments in Orem that were being built when the housing market crashed a few years ago, and so for years they've been standing like this:

One day I was driving past them with my cousin, Angela.

That's why I never leave my house!


  1. Sweet! New hermit justification! *fist pump*

  2. HA! Awesome. That was a fun one.

  3. I've been in those buildings. They're creepy.

    A company is actually in the process of finishing them, finally, so some apartments are occupied and others are under construction. The inside of the south building is open courtyard open to all the floors with bridgeways crisscrossing the abyss and apartments circling the edge.

    My husband and I wandered around then one night. It was dark and deserted and creepy.

  4. I've been in those buildings. They're creepy.

    A company is actually in the process of finishing them, finally, so some apartments are occupied and others are under construction. The inside of the south building is open courtyard open to all the floors with bridgeways crisscrossing the abyss and apartments circling the edge.

    My husband and I wandered around then one night. It was dark and deserted and creepy.

  5. Hilarious! But . . . I'd better check my room in case ghosts moved in.

  6. Don't know what to say, except I love it!-K.A.Petentler

  7. Absolutely something I would do. In fact, I probably would've gone into the empty buildings. #jerksunite

  8. You should form a chapter of Hermits United. I'd join, as long as I don't need to leave my own house.

    I usually tell my students it's gnomes that mess around with their desks when they're gone (secret: it's me who messes with their desks).
