Sunday, August 1, 2010

Comic-Con by the numbers

Guys guys guys!!!
Comic-Con was AWESOME! San Diego was beautiful and the panels were amazing. The exhibitions were cool too. OMIGOSH I'm an action figure!!
Comic-Con had lots of cool stuff like that. Where else can you take pictures like this?:

A list of numbers, to give you an idea of what the conference was like:

Number of people in attendance: 140,000

Number of hours to wait in line to see the new Tron preview: 9

Number of Starbucks and pretzel vendors: 54

Number of stabbings with a ball-point pen: 1

Number of people dressed up as Dr. Horrible: 12

Number of people dressed up as the Mad Hatter: 26

Number of people dressed up as Storm Troopers: Like a million

Number of people dressed up in 3 strips of duct tape and a teeny tiny pair of panties: 1 (and trust me, you are imagining it way cuter than it really was.)

Number of incredible artists: Like a trillion

Number of stupid things I said to incredible artists and professionals and publishing people because I've lost all my social skills because all I've been talking to lately is Mr. Lampshade and Mr. Sofa and they only talk back sometimes: Like a trillion jillion. Let's not dwell on this.

And now, time for a guessing game! Get them all and you win--

Nothing! Welcome to the life of the starving artist. Try anyways.

10) (these were my favorites of the conference)
21) (and if you get the one on the left, you have my TOTAL respect)
I think next year I'll dress up as a weeping angel.


  1. 1) Zorro w/ Captain Marvel in the Background
    2) ?
    3) Predators (two in the Hilton Lobby)
    4) Big Boy, of Big Boy resurants (do those still exist?)
    5) Mystique (comic version) of the X-men
    6) I don't want to touch this one
    7) A Dr. Who (of which I counted at least a half a dozen)
    8) Those silly elves! Looks like they are asking for directions
    9) Manago, Nord-something, and a Ghostbuster hiding his name badge
    10) Indian Jones Girls! (OK I had help on this one, but the monkey-head should've given it away)
    11) Inigo Montoya, you killed his father, I believe...
    12) Rorschach of Alan Moore's Watchmen
    13) Cute little sand people from Star Wars
    14) The flower that eats you from Mario Bros. (and a Koopa)
    15) Lil' Luke and Lil' Leia
    16) Jack, of Jack-in-the-box
    17) Papa Smurf, pre 3D movie treatment
    18) Yue, Ice Princess from Airbender
    19) Rainbow Brite! WHAAAAT!
    20) That purple bounty hunter from Star Wars, Storm Trooper # 1, Storm Trooper # 2, Princess Amanda, of San Bernadino, Storm Trooper # 3,
    21) Tinkerbell and on the left? Nanny McFee maybe???
    22) Waldo!
    23) Link

    And you mean like this:

  2. Holy costumes of awesome, Batman!

    I'm geeking out too much about these to comment coherently. But did you know WHO Rainbow Brite is? Or was that just a seriously lucky meeting? Because I can give you a link to her most bodacious blog.

    (I can't believe you went to ComiCon. Sooooo jealous right now. Feel the vibes).

  3. @Heather--wait wait--who is she? (I just asked and snapped a picture while she was browsing at a book booth.) Now I'm really curious!!

  4. #6 Is the cabbage vendor from the Avatar cartoon. "My cabbages!"

  5. So, the ones I know (which is pathetically few):
    1. Zorro
    2. The girl in How to Train Your Dragon, uh, Astrid, maybe?
    9. Ghostbusters
    11. Inigo Montoya
    13. Sandmen from Star Wars
    14. Characters from Mario
    15. Han and Leia
    17. Smurf
    18. The future moon spirit--that costume is AWESOME, by the way
    19. Rainbow Brite
    20. Star Wars people.
    21. Tinkerbell and is that Sophie from Howl's Moving Castle?
    22. Waldo
    23. Link

    The weeping angel would be awesome! I love all these pictures and am so jealous. Comic Con looks like so much fun!

  6. Not to dwell or anything, but if it makes you feel any better, 9 out of the 10 stupid things I say each week are in the 5-10 minutes that my boss is in the room. Either I'm really nervous or something is seriously wrong with my survival instincts (you know, the ones that tell you to keep your mouth shut when hiding in the bushes from the velociraptors).

  7. So much fun! And if I ever go, it will definitely be as Rainbow Brite!!!

    (I'm kinda surprised you didn't go as computer programmer Barbie...)

  8. @Heather - Hahaha! It was probably the Random House booth then. :) Here is her first link to her ComiCon adventures and here is the one to her adventures as Rainbow Brite (don't take any of her horror too seriously. She is just super shy (especially camera-shy) and her readers love to put her through all kinds of "Shannon Shame").

    Her name is Shannon Messenger and she is the sweetest thing on the planet. Just tell her I sent ya. ;)

  9. Great pictures! Looks like a lot of fun but I'm glad you're back safely <3

  10. Hi Heather!
    This is Leah Cypess, a fellow Greenwillow author. I've been trying to contact you about a Top Secret Project, but I can't find your email address anywhere! So I figured I'd try this. Can you email me at LCypess at gmail dot com when you have a chance?

  11. looks like so much of these years I want to get there. :)

  12. I love the Princess Yue and Sofie. Good times. i should go sometime.

  13. it's sophie!!!!!
    where's turnip head??

  14. 1) Zorro
    2) Astrid
    4) Big Boy
    6) the cabbages guy
    7) the 11th Doctor
    9) Ghostbusters
    11) Inigo Montoya
    14) Koopa and the flower that eats you
    15) Luke & Leia
    16) Jack
    17) Papa Smurf
    18) Yue
    20) Star Wars crew (sorry, that's super vague)
    21) the bird woman from Mary Poppins & Tinkerbell
    22) Waldo
    23) Link
