Friday, September 9, 2011

Delsarte Crash Course, prt 1

This is interesting.
When I was a pipsqueak in college, I took a costume design class where we studied Francois Delsarte's systems of expression.  Francois Delsarte was a Parisian who lived from 1811-1871, and believed that emotions and feelings could be symbolically expressed through visual means.

For example:

These are just a few Delsarte poses.

The idea caught on like a man on fire, and was hugely popular in America.  Theaters, movies, even kids' classes (complete with kids' books of exercises) learned Delsartism.

Delsarte poses from "Phantom of the Opera" (1925).
 Why do I love this picture so much??

A pretty good summation, I think, you can find starting at :13, from "The Court Jester".

So, a pretty stylized way of communicating emotions.  As popular as it was though, it fell hugely out of fashion (along with it's buddy, melodrama) in favor of more realistic ways to tell a story.  I think it's still ingrained in western culture, however, and is used in more symbolic, stylized storytelling like animation and musicals & other children's media.  So, I'm pulling together a 3-post series on the system in hopes that people will find it as interesting as I do.

If not, here are a bunch of crummy drawings for you to enjoy anyway.  Hahaha.

In the Delsarte system, the body was split into 3 parts:

Head:  These areas symbolize logic and reason.   Delsarte refers to it as "Mental".
Heart:  Emotion and feeling.  Also known as "Moral."
Body:  Physical & passion.  Also known as "Vital."

Ok, that makes sense so far.  Head = logic, torso = emotions/heart, and limbs = action & physical.  Each of these segments also have 3 segments of head, heart, and body.

With limbs, the hands and feet = the more logical parts.  Hands make gestures to show what we're thinking, feet tap when we're impatient, etc.  Forearms and calves, the more emotional, cradling babies, embracing, that sort of thing.  The upper arms & legs are the vital, and the more in action they are, the more passionate the pose.

(The elbow, btw, is known as "The Soul of the Arm".  In case you wanted to know.)
 The torso is split like this:
 Shoulders as logic, chest as moral/emotional, and stomach & below as vital.

The head is split the same, the eyes and above as the logic, the cheeks & nose as emotional, and the lips and chin as the action & vital. 
 I know it sounds like complete crackerjax.  In a weird way, though, it also makes sense.  Kissing someone on the forehead has a very different feel than kissing them on the cheek (more affectionate) and kissing on the lips (more sensual.)

By this breakdown, it also makes sense why people think blondes are dumb--they have very little contrast in the head zone.  People with light skin and dark hair, on the other hand, seem much smarter & more interesting.  Similarly with glasses, we don't assume people are smart because they're straining their eyes from reading--it's because glasses add contrast & shape in the logic area!


Anyways, if you can't wait for the next two installments, read the Delsarte System of Expression, a book published in 1885 and now on the internet.  If you like small words, though, wait around for the next post & I will try to do justice to this fascinating stuff.


  1. Symbolism is ingrained into our unconscious identities, which is why it still resonates, even when studies like this go "out of fashion"; all that "collective unconscious" stuff. And that is why this makes sense even now, long after it's fallen out of active memory. (I don't think I gave this explanation the justice it deserves, but it's hard to explain without creating a wall-o-text. I could go for hours on this one).

    Keep this series going, 'cause I know I'm interested in it.

  2. you just blew my mind. it makes so much sense!

  3. Really interesting, I'd never heard of this system of thinking, even though I've seen it in movies many times.

  4. I had only the briefest of introductions to Delsarte in college.... and since I don't have time to read the whole book just now, I'm happy to have you sum it up for me.
    And I'm suddenly not so downhearted about being a glasses-wearing brunette.

  5. Fascinating! I now know why I always have wished to be a glasses-wearing brunette!

  6. So if the eye's are the windows to the soul, they must be poorly located.

  7. Fantastic post! Very interesting and your example at the end was brilliant. Can't wait for more!

  8. does this mean that the positioning of the 'beauty spot' that some women wore in some of the old silent movies is significant?

  9. I was sitting in my philosophy class this morning when we came across something I think is related to this.

    Plato talks about the three parts of the Soul being appetites, spirit, and reason. Incidentally, these correspond to the three parts in Delsarte: mental (Reason), moral (Spirit), and vital (Appetite).

    Seeing as how Plato is perhaps the most oft-quoted Western philosopher, and the basis of pretty much all Western thought, it shouldn't come as a surprise that Delsarte drew influence from him, even if not directly.

    There's more to it than just that, but I'm already building enough of a wall-o-text.

  10. I know guys right!

    @ Peter - Hahah. You know it could be...on cheek more romantic? That is an interesting thought. I should look it up.

    @ Danny - Exactly! I think that's who Delsarte drew upon (He refers to the sections as those same things, and studied greek & roman statues.)

    @ Tom - I've always wished my eyes were on my elbows ^_^

  11. Whoa. I've never heard of this before... but it's so cool. I love analyzing things like this...
