Sunday, April 21, 2013

I Can't Do the Sum (Or; A compelling case of why Mary should marry Barnaby)

I was feeling kind of melancholy this past week and spent a lot of time watching Disney's 1961 "Babes in Toyland" to kind of cheer me up.

Here's one my favorite songs, "I Can't Do The Sum":

I love this song.  I sing it whenever I pay bills.  My gosh I wish I had her dress.

Anyways, listening to it for the umpteenth time got me thinking.  You know, Mary really is terrible with money.  I mean, really bad.  I feel I can say this with confidence because I'm a monster tightwad.*
*I haven't bought a pair of socks in 3 years! #brag

Oh, you don't believe me?  Here's some solid proof Mary really can't do the sum:  (You don't actually have to've seen the movie to understand this blog post.  It's still pertinent.)

Proof #1:  Barnaby knows more about Mary's finances than Mary does.

He knows about an inheritance Mary has coming to her, that Mary has no idea about.  I mean, this guy.  He's sharp.  What's Mary been doing with her finances this whole time?

I'll tell you what she's been doing.  She's been ignoring them.

#2 proof:  "The stove and rugs and furniture will soon be repossessed."

                               ....What??  You financed your rugs??  Good gravy, woman!

#3 proof:  Her ideas for solving her financial troubles are totally stupid.

Walking on your hands to save shoe repair money...yeah that'll work.

So I was thinking about it a lot, and I was thinking, you know what Mary should do?  Here's what Mary should do:

- Sell the house.  She can't make the mortgage so it's gotta go.  Living in a tent actually wasn't a bad idea.

- Secondly, who are those moochy kids that she's supporting?  Make them work in a glue factory.  All that singing and dancing, it's got to stop.

3) Take Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course

Here's what Mary should do (if she were me):

1)  Marry Barnaby.  (Because, why not?)

Mary: do his laundry, I hear it'll take care of that

2)  Barnaby will teach Mary how to properly manage her money

3)  Mary will teach Barnaby to not be such a miser, and fix up that abysmal house of his.

 See?  I mean, this just seems like common sense to me.  They're a good match.  And don't give me this marrying for love stuff.  Marrying for love is possibly the stupidest thing you can do.  No way, dude.  Marry for MONEY.  They would have such a happy marriage.

But, no.  Here's what will actually happen:

Mary marries Tom.

They fritter her inheritance money away on poofy dresses and bongo drums.

And then they can't pay the rent.

So Barnaby kicks them out into the streets.

Then the Mother Goose villagers get really mad and hunt Barnaby down via pitchfork mob.

Why??  Because they don't think.  Because they don't think, hey, Mary was crappy with her money, let's hope this homeless stuff is a good wake-up call.  No, they blame it all on Barnaby, who's only crime was that he was good with his money.  AAARGH!!  I hate it when villains who aren't actually villains are villainized!!  Barnaby was actually the good guy in this movie!!

No one thinks about this stuff.  But I do.  I think about this stuff all the time.  Call it a gift.

And yes, I still think they should've gotten married.


  1. This is officially the best post that has ever been made on the internet.

  2. I so love this post! And I'm sorry you've felt down. I hope this week is better for you.

  3. This is awesome! It makes me want to go watch this movie again. I haven't seen it in years, but we watched it all the time as kids.

    Hope things start going better for you. :-)

  4. Aw thanks you guys #^_^# Nah it isn't anything to worry about, I was just a little nostalgic after Annette had passed away.

  5. Oh dear Heather. I as delighted to open your blog and see a Babes in Toyland post. I heart dat movie! But I can't help but shake my head and your assumption that Barnaby was not actually a villian.

    O Contraire mon frair! (read with horrible southern accent)

    You forget Barnaby was an accomplice, NAY, perpetrator of attempted murder! He consorted with devious sorts (however ridiculous those 2 may be) and conspired to do away with Tom by throwing him into the sea. He then intended to lie to Mary to miser away her inheritance and send those poor orphans (who, may I remind you, are employed tending the villages sheep) and send them to the streets. Probably to replace them with minimum wage workers who need this job to support their tons of kids and bitter wives.

  6. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

    I LOVED that show when I was a kid (I even had baby dolls named Tom and Mary). It's been awhile since I watched it and, I hate to say it, but you're totally right. Even though Tom is better looking, Barnaby is better with money.

  7. @Aria - I don't believe I've ever been pwnd on a Babes in Toyland discussion. Ok girly you may be right about Barnaby but 2 can play these reindeer games.


    Barnaby, Gonzorgo & Roderigez might be an awful gruesome threesome & rotten to the core, but take care--Barnaby didn't actually want Tom killed, he just wanted him thrown into the sea. That is compassion, is it not? Also, we can't discount this--Barnaby is determined! He wants what he wants and he gets it done. In contrast to the villagers, who, when the sheep are found missing, sing and song and then dissipate. That's no way to live.

    And who's to say he wouldn't keep the orphans around? He must own a t-shirt sweatshop or factory with heavy machinery somewhere in his domain that those kids would love to work in. I do believe he would not squander their talents.

    Lastly, no one can dance a cape dance like Barnaby can dance a cape dance, and anyone who can dance a cape dance like that cape dance can't be truly bad. Let us pause for a moment and mourn the loss of Mary and Barnaby's forsaken life they could have had together, one of riches, castles in Spain, champagne, and seductive cape dances.

  8. You really got me on the dissipate, no way to live part . . . you have some VERY VALID points. What is love compared to financial solvency?

    Now I really want to see the case for why Jeremy and Jemima would have been better off with the Baron and Baroness or the Child Catcher.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. @Heather

    Touche, haha! Indeed, the cape dance is fantastic. Regardless, everytime Tom whacks Barnaby's hand as Floretta the gypsy and then reveals himself I feel "here is a hero who doesn't just sit around."

  11. @Morelightthanburden - That is an EXCELLENT question. Ok, barring Caractacus (who is my #1 crush) (swoon) if Jeremy & Jemima have to be adopted by anyone, it would have to be...

    ...THE CHILD CATCHER!! Because he has candy, of course. Those lucky kids!

    (I like your name btw...there's layers to it, very nice.)

    @Kenna - Would you believe I've never played Assassin's Creed? I'm not a big gamer, which is pretty pathetic, since I work at Disney Interactive. I'm sure some of the fellas here could catch me up on it, though.

    @Aria - Oh. My. Gosh. YES that is the BEST PART of the whole movie. It took imdb to convince me that was actually Tommy Sands playing Floretta, he did such a good job with it.

    1. Thanks for the compliment on the name! It came at a time when I was a young mother learning to adapt from a highly 'accomplished' life to the morph of caring for the needs of such little ones . . . a shock. I was given a blessing which reminded me that my children are 'more light than burden' and I've held onto it ever since. It has helped through many tough moments.

      What did you see in it?

  12. Though I've never seen this movie (*hides face in shame*), anything that mixes music and pretty dresses with Dave Ramsey, financial common sense, and budgeting makes me...well...giddy.

  13. You are so funny. I spent the rest of the day singing Castle in Spain and listening to Dave Ramsey...and then I went to finance a rug (Why didn't I think of that before?!?!)
    You're pretty great!

  14. @morelightthanburden - I think I like the name even more now :)

    I like how the "light" and "burden" can both mean weight and light/darkness. And that it's more-than, so you're seeking light. I thought of it as someone who was aware and trying to be better, or an atonement play. I like it very much.

  15. I haven't seen this movie, but I will now and think about the EXCELLENT points that you made.

  16. This movie cheers you up how again? It seems like it just makes you frustrated :-p

  17. This is really a fabulous post, Heather. I'm thinking of framing it for my bedroom.
