Monday, November 18, 2013

I'm a Jerk (Trunk or Treat edition)

My neighborhood did a Trunk or Treat this year.

I have Views about Trunk or Treats.  But I like my neighbors.  What a quandary!

(I decided to go.)

This year I dressed up like raggy Cinderella.  This is because I'm--not to brag or anything--really good at cleaning toilets.  With that kind of work ethic, I figured it was only fair to make the Trunk-or-Treaters EARN their candy this year.

So when the first kid came to me and was like:

I was like:

And the kid was like:

The kids loved it!

Actually it ended probably closer to this:

I can't wait for next year!


  1. its hilarious post I love cindrella the different kind =D

  2. Ha ha ha!!! Who knew candy flinging could be so much fun?

  3. Brilliant idea! Those darn kids have it too easy these days. They're going soft.

    I approve! And hey, why not throw a water balloon or two, just for variety. ;)

  4. Just imagine me doing the slow clap of appreciation right now. Well done. Kids should have painful associations with trunk-or-treating (a communist microcosm, if you ask me. But you already knew that.)

  5. Great story! I loved the animated bit.

  6. I expect pictures of you as cinderella.

  7. This is so hilarious! Awesome pictures by the way.
