Friday, January 2, 2015

Haunted Mansion Mary

"Is this haunted room actually...stretching?  Or is it your imagination, hmm?"  Actually, I think this room is getting cuter, it makes me kinda wish the Haunted Mansion was themed Mary Poppins.  They could call it "Mary's Mansion" and they could turn on all the lights and there would be flowers everywhere and people would ride umbrellas over rooftops.  Why is this not a thing?  Someone make this happen.

I spent my Christmas vacation drawing this, which means it was the best vacation ever :) :)  Hope you all had a jolly holiday!


  1. Your love for Mary Poppins is beautiful.

  2. How lovely! Or should I say, "How spooky" if this is a haunted house?
    I had a great Christmas with my family. I started on a poem to fit my resolve to write more poetry.

  3. It's a beautiful drawing! And yes! They should! Along with a merry-go-round!

  4. OOH. Beautiful drawing! This reminds me of something. (This is a long story but it's relevant I promise)

    Ok, so I went to Disneyland last week and everything's decorated for the holidays, which is pretty cute and nice and the Holiday version of It's a Small World was great. I was pretty content with all the Christmas-y stuff.... until...


    I always look forward to being creeped out in the Haunted Mansion and my favorite is the stretching room part. Except... IT WAS HOLIDAY THEMED.

    So, my first thought was, how would anyone make a holiday themed version of a scary haunted house? But my question was answered when I saw Jack Skellington. EVERYTHING WAS NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS. EVERYTHING. The entire mansion was completely different, decorated with scenes from the movie, all weird colors and geometric shapes and I was honestly horrified and not in a good way.

    Why would they wreck such a wonderfully scary ride??? (even temporarily) I'm one of the four people in the world who is really disturbed by Nightmare before Christmas, so maybe other people liked it, but I am very upset. Thank you for this drawing, reminding me of what the Haunted Mansion SHOULD BE.

  5. ... and then:


  6. Wonderful!

    - Ximagineer

  7. @Leah - There's a word for people like you and me--Haunted Mansion Purist. {I read this in my Art of Haunted Mansion book, so it's pretty much an official term.}
