Monday, May 11, 2015

People are SO NICE!!

My oldest sister, Katie, is the bravest person I know.

My mom once dared her to wear a giant bow in her bangs all day, including to her violin lesson.  And she totally did.

The teacher kept staring at her hair, but didn't say anything.  haha.

Here's a picture of Katie now:

Here's a picture of her beautiful family.  {She has 6 kids!!}

{The road was abandoned, so nothing to worry about.  Still, funny :D}

You might notice in that first picture that she's wearing a headscarf.  That's because she has an aggressive, fast-growing soft tissue cancer, leiomyosarcoma.  The chemo she's been doing for the past few years makes her hair fall out.  {I told you she was brave, right?}

Sometimes she gets so sick from the chemo, her kids dress up and entertain her to keep her mind off of it.

Sometimes she's so worn out, she can only crawl up the stairs.

I only know this because my other sister knew it, and she told me.  I have never, never heard Katie complain about anything.  She is incredible.

Cancer is the worst.  I don't know of anyone who hasn't had their heart broken because of cancer.  It has been so hard to see it hurt my sister.   The chemo hasn't been easy on Katie, and now she's developed leukemia as well.  So she needs a bone marrow transplant.



Now all we need to do is raise the money, get the transplant, and she'll be cured!  Nothing to worry about!

We're in the process of raising the money.  {Insurance won't cover the transplant.}  So we decided to organize a fundraiser.

It's been an incredible project to help out with.  I've been so touched and floored by all the sweet, kind people who have offered to help.  {Geez...I'm tearing up now just typing it!}  I was a wreck the first many people had shown up to help!

You'll never guess where I'm sitting.

A couple of guys at work heard that I needed help, and by George, they came to my sister's house with cameras and microphones and recorded her kids so they could cut an internet video together.

A sweet lady at church heard we would be having a bake sale, and even though it's a lot of work, she offered to make some of her amazing chocolates.

{Side note: I've had these chocolates before.  She gives them out at Christmas.  So help me, if you buy them before I do I will KILL YOU.}

My friend Aubrey is a manager over several Cherry Berry stores, and they've offered to donate a percentage of their sales on the day of the fundraiser.

I'm never getting ice cream anywhere else again.

Someone at work left an anonymous donation on my desk.

Ugly cry/happy tears for the rest of the day :')  :')

These are only just a few of the many, many people who have offered to help, donate, organize...people who've been sacrificing and giving their time and talents for this fundraiser.  I'm so touched, I just start to cry when I think about how kind these people have been.  It makes me think of how many times I've been not as generous as I could have been, and how I want to be like them.  People are amazing.

Here's the basket I'm donating to the silent auction:

It's a "Disney Artist Jumpstart Kit".  {I had to draw it because I forgot to take a picture before I entered it in.}  It has a brand new wacom splash tablet, an {older, used--but still great!} version of Photoshop, and 6 1-hour art lessons from a Disney artist!  {That would be me!}  

I'm a little nervous it won't sell.  West Point, where the fundraiser is being held, is a kind of small town, and this is pretty niche.  But, I grew up in West Point and I would've sold my soul for something like this!  So hopefully I won't get it back after the fundraiser...

Yeah.  Don't let this happen.  Come to the fundraiser.

Here's the flyer :)

Here's the link to register/donate/etc:

That's right!  It's this Saturday!  And it's gonna be a kick.  I'll be doing the kissing booth.  

Just kidding.  There's no kissing booth.  We're trying to raise money, not scare people away.  I'll be doing caricatures with my assistant, Lauren Williams, who is a super talented artist :)  {Assistant!  That sounds fancy!}

If you live in Utah, you'll definitely want to come.  If you live in Idaho, Wyoming, Colorado, Nevada, California, etc, you'll definitely want to come, too.  Everybody just come :)

Here's the video.  You'll want to watch it.  Have tissues handy :)

Addendum:  A biker dude saw this video on facebook...

...and now he's organizing a motorcycle rally.  That'll be June 13th.  I'm totally buying a Harley :)


  1. Awesome post! Thanks Heather......maybe I'll get Harley too, that sounds completely fantastic! People are just amazing!

  2. I'm all the way on the other side of the country, or I'd be there! But my prayers are definitely with your sister and all your family in a special way. I know that's something people just "say" all the time...but I mean it. I'll be taking a few minutes to pray for her as soon as I finish typing this comment.

  3. All of you Dixons are completely amazing. Here's to lots of prayers, money and quick healing. Hope to see you there!

  4. Buying a Harley too! Ok maybe a Vespa but im going!

  5. Buying a Harley too! Ok maybe a Vespa but im going!

  6. Fabulous job Heather! You are so wickedly talented at storytelling and animation! We will be there and lots of love to your fabulous family!

  7. I'm sorry for your sister- but the rest of it is just awesome. I, unfortunately, live on the other side of the country, but I'll be praying for your sister and your fundraising efforts!

  8. If I lived close enough I would be there and I'd be fighting you for those chocolates! Your family will be in my prayers.

  9. My heart is breaking for your sister, such an amazing mom! i'm also disgusted by the insurance company's behaviour. Maybe one day THEY will need a transplant and will know how it feels, to be helpless and fear for your life and being unable to afford a life-saving tratment.I live in Europe, where fortunately we do not need fundraising when we need chemo or a transplant. It's all free of charge, paid with our taxes. Best wishes and a hug to your beautiful sister

  10. Beautiful post. Praying for your sister.

  11. Oh my word, you guys are amazing <3 Prayers are deeply appreciated. I know that prayer works and that we've seen so many miracles on the way. Pray for her and that her doctors will be inspired. It means the world to me :) :)

  12. Cindy Iverson and I (Brent) will be praying for Katie's treatment, the funding success, and speedy recovery from here in Northern California, wish we could be there to bid on the basket!

  13. I saw the video that was re-posted by a friend. I recognized the name and thought she might be a relation of yours. I hopped on your blog (I'm a long-time follower of your work) to see if you mentioned it. I'm sorry to hear about your sister's condition, but I'm optimistic that you will raise the money. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

  14. Dear Heather, happy happy birthday! Have a lovely day! <3

  15. Sending prayers for Katie and all your family.

  16. This post was so inspiring. If I wasn't 12 hours away, I would TOTALLY be at the fundraiser this weekend. Sending tons of prayers to Katie and your family! She will pull through this, and your fundraiser is gonna be spiffing! (I wish I could bid on your silent auction basket, it sounds ridiculously cool ^_^)

  17. Cancer sucks! But you are amazing. What a fabulous fundraising idea. Love and prayers and healing vibes to your family!

  18. I'm so glad I stumbled upon this today, my wife and I are planning on coming up and doing the 5k. Cancer has taken its toll on our families too and we are glad to help in anyway we can.

  19. Wish wish wish WISH I was even remotely nearby to attend. I would bid like crazy (and quietly) for your basket!

  20. Heather - is there a webpage where we can donate for your sister's campaign? TEAM KATIE!

    If not - can I put one up for her?

  21. Heather,

    Thank you for being an exceptional individual. And thank you for being an exceptional story-teller.

    Illusionarium is out!


  22. Thank you so much, everyone! The event went AMAZING!!! I'm writing a blog post up about it...I'm hoping to have it finished and posted this weekend. {It turned out incredible.}

    The webpage to donate is: {You might have to copy and paste in the browser bar} Thank you so much!

    @Anony 1:08 - That it is! I keep promising myself I'll do a blog post on it, if I can ever finish the coloring page!
