Monday, September 27, 2010

Halloween Awesomeness

Halloween is such a great, visual holiday. Is it too early to post for it?  Coz I'm ready.

When I went to Comic-Con they had portraits that did this:

Haunted Portraits
It was totally awesome.  And now old pictures freak me out.

Also: if you haven't seen it yet, check out Kevin Keele's super spooky haunted girl picture.  I can't stop staring at that doll!  O_O


  1. I love these. I'm so ready for Halloween.

  2. It's never too early for Halloween! Even the day after isn't too early.

  3. We're all going to end up that way eventually. Might as well laugh about it!

  4. how did you do that? 0.0 I can't stop watching it change.

  5. Wow, I love this. We dont do halloween here, (Australia) always wished we did!
    Great concept.

  6. Sooooo interesting!!!! The characters are just wonderful visually, and this idea is great for Halloween. It can't come fast enough!!!

  7. You got me in the Halloween mood. Nice! Kevin Keele's piece is pretty darn awesome too. Thanks for sharing :)

  8. this is excellent!!! Halloween is my favorite!

  9. I would LOVE portraits like that!

    Very cool :)

  10. Wow everyone, thank you so much!

    @lilli - I animated it in Photoshop and saved it as a gif. That's a file format that'll do animations on the web. It was fun. I forsee doing more in my future.

  11. Very well done ! (although a little bit frightening ;)
    I'm wondering how it would look if the frightening versions of the portraits appeared without fading, as if it was revealed by a lightning for example.

  12. @Gynaux - Yeah, I totally agree! In fact, that's how I originally animated it (a'la Haunted Mansion). It looked very strange, though, I wasn't good enough with photoshop animation to get it to look right. So I did fading. I think when I'm better I'll give it another shot.

  13. Funny you mention the lightning vs fading effect in the Haunted Mansion portraits. They had originally faded back and forth, as yours do, and it was only in the last few years that they changed them, so that they change with the lightning, as I understand. The funny thing is, that was the initial idea in 1969, but they weren't quite able to pull it off.

  14. Thanks for the shout out! And thanks for outclassing me with this spectacular post! You are so seriously awesome. Also, HALLOWEEN!
