Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A parable in pictures

For Illustration Friday's "Proverb":

You can't stay a bad guy for very long.  It catches up to you.

Also: I think every girl should be proposed to like this:

Annette's dress is so foofy!  I want it.  Bad.  Don't judge me!


  1. I love it. That's exactly how Sam proposed.

  2. Oh, wow! My siblings and I used to watch that movie ALL THE TIME when we were little! I haven't seen it in years, but I so clearly remember the swirly dress and awesome villain cape.

  3. I knew who you were drawing before I ever got to the clip :D Yay!

  4. Wow, you have such a beautiful style!

  5. I see a certain foofy dress in your Halloween costume future...

  6. I love how Mr. Magoo is the one marrying them.

  7. I think it's neat that he got Mr. Magoo to preform the ceremony

  8. We watched that movie all the time growing up! Definitely the perfect proposal.

  9. I that Mr Magoo doing the ceremony?
    Is that Snidely Whiplash from the Bullwinkle show? Hmmmmhmm

  10. So awesome. Keep these coming. I like 'em a lot!

  11. I love this movie--great illustrations! And Annette is the HOTNESS in this movie...even if she's not good at math...

  12. i think my favorite part are the kids in the last panel!

  13. I apologize for not knowing, but what movie is this? I want to go out and see the rest. Nice work on the illustrations by the way!

  14. Hi Kurtis! This movie is "Babes in Toyland", Disney's first live-action musical. You can watch it on Youtube! Right here. It is one of my favorites.

  15. LOVE the kids in the last picture. And his face is priceless.

    Thanks for the clip -- I haven't seen that show in ages. I remember being mesmerized by his controlling a fountain? Was that in there?

  16. You sure you want to give the guys out there so many insights into your personal romantic inclinations?

    This new blog is off to a great start BTW.

  17. I have fond memories of watching Babes in Toyland and making gingersnaps with my Mom during the holidays. I was probably 12 or so. I still smell ginger when I watch this movie. I adore Annette Funicello!!!
