Monday, June 6, 2011

Window stories

And then, this:
Fw-ii-ii-iiip.And then...
I've noticed these Things are getting progressively larger.
I'm kind of scared to open them again.

SPEAKING of windows!
Remember my Gibson Girl kitchen? Well I made curtains!

I'm very proud of them. In fact I am so proud, I think I might quit this whole artist thing and make pelmets for a living!
That's all tentative, of course. I still have to figure out how to keep them up. (They keep falling down. Velcro I guess isn't doing the job.) Maybe I should try tape...which is pretty much all they're made out of. You don't want to see the other side of that valance. In fact it's probably good I don't open my blinds anymore. :)


  1. Look at you talented girl! Love them!

  2. DUCT TAPE!!! There's nothing a roll of duct tape can't fix. NOTHING!

  3. These are gorgeous! Tape, eh? That's my kind of project.

  4. Hahahaha, nice!

  5. Hello! I tried to email rather than take up comments space, but it didn't work. I just wanted to say I just read Entwined in a day and a half, and I am VERY sorry it is already over. I LOVED it! SO refreshing and shamelessly adorable. <3 Love your blog as well! I am going to study animation/illustration/fine art soon, and your site here is just making me SO STINKING excited about it! Love your work! Keep it coming!

    P.S. I suspected while reading your book that you must have come from a larger family (as do I), and what do you know, I research the matter and it turns out you did!

  6. Aw thanks guys :D Yeah I think I will try the duct tape.

    @Mary - Hooray! So glad you liked it. #^_^# And yay for big families! And doing art! ^_^ ^_^

  7. I love the curtains. Love them. You totally nailed the Gibson Girl look!

    Someday I'll get brave and sew curtains. My son's room has had an empty curtain rod for like five years now. I don't know why making curtains intimidates me, but it does.

  8. The hobo looks friendly at least.

    Just don't lend him any money (we've learned our lesson haven't we?)


  9. You always make me laught a lot! Love the curtains, you have future as a pelmet maker :D

  10. Hey!!!

    I just found your blog!!!! it is so amazingg!! I love the stories you are explaining! they are so funny!

    Really good job!

    Writting soon!



  11. Ha! I wouldn't open my windows either lol, but the curtains are fab! You rock. :)

  12. hahhaa
    you really know how to tell a story !:)

  13. Hi,
    I write a blog ( and was wondering if I would be able to get a copy of Entwined to review for it?
    I hope that's fine!

  14. hahahah i think i know that last dude. very good

  15. Another classic. You're such a hopeless storyboarder... You even added timing by repeating panels. I love it.

    Also, I'm mere hours away from listening to your book on CD! (Because I can't read.) (Hey, how am I typing this then?) (I don't know when to end a joke.)

  16. Wow! You see some interesting things out your window! LOL! I'm not sure what I'm more scared of, the spiders or the hobo?! Also, maybe opening your blinds isn't the best idea any more if hobos are looking in! UGH!! On a different note, I LOVE the valance!!! Can you make me some like that? I've been trying to get Adrian to buy some for the living room since we moved in! Oh well, one of these days! :)
