Thursday, June 2, 2011

speedpaints schmeedpaints

Some 15-30 min speedpaints. I think most of them are backgrounds from Samurai Jack, but there's a Grinch and Mr. Magoo in there too.

They are all flat and kind of chalky. I like flat and chalky, but lately I've felt like a bum because I'm not pushing myself. I'll work on fleshier stuff now.


  1. Oh, I love these! You should do a Kung Fu Panda one in the future. I'm kind of on a kick right now. Really enjoyed the sequel. :)

  2. Espetacular! Parabéns pelos belos trabalhos... ;D

  3. they look awesome1 and i just finished entwined and like 3 seconds after i considered rereading it. IT WAS AWESOME AND UR SOOOOO FUNNY!!!!!!!!! i totally love the "things i like" post cause i would love to tell storys to my cousins to keep them quiet. hehehehehe.
