Sunday, September 25, 2011

I've always wanted to do this certainly can't make elevator silences more awkward than they already are.


  1. This is AWESOME. Sometime I will try it. :)

  2. I so want to try that! But I think I would laugh too hard in the attempt.

  3. The other fun to do is:
    when a crowded elevator empties, leaving only you and one other person, instead of doing the courtesy shift to fill the newly vacated space, stay exactly where you are, now standing awkwardly close to the other person. But act like everything is perfectly normal.

  4. I know exactly how you feel. Once when I was at a hospital, I was going up the service elevator and the BIG motorcycle/gang guy got on. As we were going up he turned to me and said "I bet your afraid of me" then gave a very evil sounding chuckle. I should have had my nose in the corner. I've never been able to go up in elevators by myself again!

  5. Something I've done that's very unsettling to others is to have a conversation with someone, but have your EYES CLOSED during it.

  6. Bwahahahaha!!! You SHOULD! And when you do, get somebody to "discreetly" tape it.

    ...and post it :)

  7. Hahaah I feel the same way. I feel it more awkward when it's you and just one more other person. Especially if you have to ride more than 5 levels. Awkwardness to the max.

  8. I want to walk into a crowded elevator with a friend who can play along and after the obligatory 3-4 seconds of elevator silence ask my friend something awkward like, "so what did the doctor say about your rash?" or "oh, did they ever give you anything for your diarrhea?" I think that might increase the level of awkward silence afterward. >:]

  9. I wanna just sit in the elevator in complete silence, then start hitting my head and whisper "Shut up! Stop talking!" :)

  10. I once did this with a group of friends -- we all faced backwards -- and most of the strangers who got on after us felt the pressure and turned backwards with us!

    Although, my personal favorite is to suddenly growl in a deep voice, "I must find a more suitable host body."

    By the way, in case you're wondering, I'm Liz (Newey) Stephenson's big sister, Brooke. She recommended your blog, and I love reading it, and I also enjoyed Entwine. Thanks!

  11. Aw, cheers #^_^# Yeah Brooke I totally remember you! Hope you are doing awesome.

    Hahha! These are all very good ideas. Someone sent me a list of awkward things to do in the elevator--my favorite was to open your purse and whisper, "You got enough air in there?"

  12. My best friend's mom goes, "Hi I'm Jacky this is my daughter Laura and her best friend Laura. How old are you? My you look so young!" Flirt flirt flirt, while me and Laura sigh
