Sunday, April 15, 2012

Family Fun Run

 My aunt is in charge of her school's Fun Run again this year, so I threw together some t-shirt designs for it.  I'm pretty sure they'll go with this one:

 ...but I really hope they pick this one.

This one might be too much to hope for.


  1. Heather, I am peeing my pants with laughter! BEST. POST. EVER!!!!!

  2. LOVE the zombies. I'd vote for the Zombie tee for sure. My kids would be all over that. They have big crushes on zombies.

    Probably cause they've never actually met one. Ahem.

  3. Maybe they can put 1 on the the front of the shirt.... and 2 or 3 on the back! :)

    (I vote for #3)

  4. This made me laugh. I vote for the 3rd one. It's the reason I had kids!

  5. @Mom - hahahaha! It's the reason...wait, what?

  6. Hey!!! My siblings used to go there!

    This is so funny!! My dad is actually playing the part of a zombie for a movie where my aunt is the main character!!! Love #2 :]

  7. On the one hand, I absolutely loathe zombies to the core of my being.

    On the other hand, the line "This is why we had children" absolutely cracked me up.

  8. That is awesome! I need to share this.

  9. Rosalyn DId share, and it IS AWesome, and now I've got to share it, too. And if they print up the second one, I'm in for one. Although, if they want to REALLY make money, have them have a choice of all three, and sell PRINTS, and frankly, I think they will make cash hand over fist. And you need to upload to THREADLESS is they don't! Super awesome.

  10. I liked the last one so much I showed it to everyone at work. Now lots of people know how disturbed, but funny, you are.

  11. bwahahaha I LOVE your yearly Family Fun Run t-shirt designs. They are so totally awesome! Also I think I want both numbers two and three. ;)

  12. As usual, you make me laugh out loud at the place where I don't need to laugh out loud--work.

  13. So funny!!!
    I have to tell you that you made my daughter's day the day she received your handwritten letter and bookmark. Her name is Lauren (from Nebraska). You have just gained two huge fans!!!

  14. @Heidi - I'm so glad it arrived safely!

  15. I'm kind of partial to the last one, but that is just me. hehe zombies ... rrraaaawwwrrr!
