Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pool Noodle Furniture

Lots of times I have dreams that are lame.  But sometimes I have dreams that are awesome.

Last night's was awesome.

It went something like this:


And my mom was like:

 And I was like:

 And my mom was like:

I'm not one to let anyone tell me what to do so obviously I had some work ahead of me.

I thought it turned out really cute!!  Even better than I thought it would!

Sadly, however, it turned out to be really saggy and I couldn't sit on it without squashing it flat. 

So either I needed to lose some weight...or mom was right after all.  I hate that!

I was pretty upset about it, and I really didn't want to lose weight, so I promptly...

 ...dug a pool in my living room/kitchen area.

(Gotta be me)

When it was finished, I hosted an awesome indoor pool party for my family and friends, just to prove that pool noodles won't make a fool outta me.

 ^^awesome pool party, pictured above.

My mom had disappeared from the dream at this point, so I don't know if she was impressed with the indoor pool or not.  I'm pretty sure she would be, though.  (She's probably offscreen in this picture, freaking out over the bulldozer-sized hole in the wall.)

The BEST part of the dream, however, was that from now on I'd never have to get out of the pool to get stuff from the fridge!!!

Gosh I have great dreams!  (It took me about 30 minutes of looking at pool digging websites before I fully woke up...)  Do dreams get any better than that?

I know what you're thinking folks.  The real question you want to ask is, "Does her mom actually wear pearls and a fancy apron every day?"  The answer is YES.  She DOES.  I bet you wish you she was your mom.


  1. Well Heather, Your mom is very impressed! But I think you must get it from your father's side of the family!

  2. I love the thing with you squirting the whipped cream into your mouth! You don't know how many times I've wanted to do it, but I can't. :(

  3. You have awesome dreams! I wish I had pool noodle furniture.

  4. That's hilarious! How fun that you can illustrate your dreams like that. :D

  5. your subconscious is awesome.

  6. I'm going to go try to make my own pool noodle couch now... I don't care if its impossible, I'm going to do it!

  7. I love the part where the screaming takes place. "Well maybe you're just MAD Because my ideas are the AWESOMEST!"

    And mom is like, "OK."

    And then the part with the whipped cream.

    Love this post. :D

  8. Hey! Just read your blog for the FIRST TIME! I have read your book, Entwined, and it is AMAZING! This post is also awesome.

  9. This is great, I loved the little animations, but nothing tops the Harry Potter dream, sorry.

  10. Bahahaha that's great! Looking so fly in those shades! ;)

  11. Heather I am laughing so hard, i'm crying! this post is soooo great!

  12. Just a little tip for people. Don't go straight to the story. Read the backstory on top first. I didn't, so I didn't realize it was a dream at first...that's all I'm going to say.

  13. Yep. Your dreams are the best.

  14. Yes! If you build a pool like that, I will visit you every day!

  15. I remembered this post once... and then I was tempted to ask mom for an indoor pool and if I could ever eat whipped cream like that....

  16. Dude, your mom has great fashion taste :)

    Also, i love the part with the whip cream :D
