Sunday, June 23, 2013

Some speedpaints (you lucky, lucky thing)

I used to be pretty good at doing speedpaints, but I've kind of slacked off since I started at Disney Interactive.  Notwithstanding, here are a few to ogle.

I'll get in the groove again soon.  Keep checking in...planning to update more often!


  1. There are several of those I had to stare at for a minute to decide which one was the original. I'd say you haven't lost as many steps as you think.

  2. These are amazing! I had a hard time deciding which ones were the drawings! What program do you use?

  3. Wow. I agree with Nathan--I wasn't sure which were the photos! Really nice.

  4. Wow! This make me want to do something like that. Also, congrats on getting into Avalanche. That's awesome!

  5. Thank you sir! I'm a lucky kid. So many talented people there.

  6. I was hard pressed to figure out which one was the real drawing! Also, do you know anything about the upcoming movie Frozen, released this winter by Disney?

  7. @Jessica - I DO! But, I'm not allowed to say anything about it until more things are announced, otherwise they send Donald Duck to kill me.

  8. Hold up.... You're with Disney Interactive now? HOW DID I MISS THIS??? Still based in SLC area, though?

  9. Yup, here in SLC! Great place to work, as is the church. Salt Lake is a gorgie city.

  10. Wait, isn't salt lake city in.... Georgia?

  11. salt lake city is the capital of Utah... isn't it?

  12. @Anony - Quite right! I sometimes use the word gorgie as short for gorgeous. (Just part of my funny little ways ;)
