Sunday, October 13, 2013

I'm a Jerk (episode 127)

Every Thursday I go to Orem to teach my cousins piano lessons.  My aunt has 9 kids (and one on the way!) and I usually get to stay long enough to have dinner and play with the kiddies.  This makes Thursdays are my favorite day of the week.  (And I really mean that, too.)

And holy mother of pearl, is it fun to mess with the minds of these kids.

Example:  last week my little cousin, Gina, said:

And I was like,

And Gina was like:




  1. I bet you probably made Gina's day . . . though I pity her when she finds out it's not true. xD

  2. Very Funny! Although you know Gracie is eventually ask me why!!!!

  3. Haha!! I volunteer as an art teacher at the local Boys & Girls Club and when they ask me how they can draw like me I tell them there are two ways: One, you must be born of Dragon Blood as I am OR you can practice a lot. Both ways work REALLY well.

  4. HAHAHA. Best cousin ever. I wish you were *my* cousin.

  5. Hahaha! Thanks guys! I figure their brainwashing is 79% complete. All I need is a few more weeks...

  6. I loved it! Please take a look at my blog and follow it if u think its worthwhile.....
    Thank you..

  7. Absolutely love it! :D
    Haven't you considered making this as a series on YouTube? An animatic with a little narration :P

  8. Pfffft I think I will do this to my future nieces and nephews someday.
    Oh and are you sure your Entwined book wasn't sprinkled with magical fairy dust? It was just EPIC! Well, so far... I haven't finished reading it, but I daydreamed about in a LOT during school... it's gorgie!

  9. @Catherine - What an excellent idea! I've been toying with doing some animatics for Youtube, but they take a lot of time. But now I know they're in demand... ;)

    @Anony 4:37 - Well shucks! #^_^# Yer making me blush #^_^# #^_^# #^_^#
