Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Frozen Coloring Contest--The Vinnahs!

 At last, the results are in!  Thank you so much, everyone, for being so patient.  One of these days life won't be so crazy!

I always get gunshy about coloring contests because I feel like everyone did such a good job, and it's hard to pick just one.  To help me, the judging process was aided by my talented artist coworkers.  I asked them which pictures stood out the most to them, and we went from there.  Needless to say, it was a hard decision!

And now, the winners!

 First place goes to Chiara!  Winner winner chicken dinner!  Congrats, Chiara!

And of course, we would be remiss if we didn't make note of the honorable mentions:

 Honorable mentions will get a beaded bookmark.  If you are a fella, I'll be sure to make it a manly bookmark :D  I'll be in touch with you all Soon!

And, because I think they were all so lovely, I'm including the rest of the entries below, if you want to take a look.  I've blurred out the emails, but if you're shy about your artwork being posted, let me know and I can remove it.  But don't be shy--they look lovely!  Shout out to the Gilbert Blythe and Joker ones ^_^


  1. Yeah, I'm so happy I won!!! And they're all lovely pieces, I'm honored I have been chosen trough them ^^

  2. My favorites are either JokerHans or the one with Elsa creeping in the background. Congrats to all the winners and awesome job to everyone!!!

  3. Congrats to Chiara (I just checked out her blog -- what a talented illustrator she is!)! :)

    My personal favorite is the one by Caroline in the honorable mentions. The coloring scheme is fantastic.

    Thanks Heather for this fun contest!

    Happy creating,

  4. Congrats to the winners! They're all great!

  5. Anne and Gilbert! :') Love the puffed sleeves. These are all amazing!!

  6. Hey Heather what are you up to these days? I saw that you wrote a book and you are doing well at Disney.

  7. @ Randall - Hey you! Yes to both--I'm working away at Avalanche and wrote a book called "Entwined". Crazy, eh? What have YOU been up to? I heard you were teaching at a film school. I love your Character Design blog...I visit it all the time.
