Sunday, February 22, 2015

My Epic Mom

 This is my mom.  {You've met her before.}  She's pretty epic.

She doesn't like being called epic, though.

One time we went river rafting.  The raft guide was like:

And mom was like:

And he was like:

And what do you know.

How does she do that??

When my fiance broke off the wedding, my mom felt really bad for me.

So we went to Disneyland!

This is a picture of me in front of the Jolly Holiday Bakery.  This is my favorite place in the park, because it's themed Mary Poppins.  <3 <3 <3 <3

Let's zoom in and take a look at that gorgeous stained glass penguin.

 I'm watching you.

Adorable, right?  

But wait...zoom in even closer--

...And you can see my friend Renee, taking the picture!

And if you zoom in even closer--

Can you see it?  No?

Okay, let's zoom in a little more.

THERE it is!

It's Mickey Mouse, beating a kid with a baseball bat.  And who says Disneyland isn't the happiest place on Earth??

Anyway, back to the stained glass penguin.

My mom couldn't help notice how much I loved that stained glass penguin {I might've been licking the glass} and she decided to make it for me.  My mom is pretty marvelous with stained glass.

She started by having me make a pattern of it.

I changed it a little from the original window to make it a little closer to the cartoon penguins in the movie.

Mom took the pattern and did her magic.

It turned out beautiful.

Thanks, mom :) :)


  1. Addendum: I probably ought to mention that my mom is glad I didn't marry that guy. Also, she does not have a shrine dedicated to grandchildren that haven't been born yet. Just the ones that have.

  2. So awesome! You are so hilarious. And your mom is freakin' awesome too.

  3. My mom used to do stained glass too!

    Thanks for another story :)

  4. Oh my goodness Heather, You always make me laugh. And your Mom's stained glass penguin is ah-mazing...more beautiful than the Disney shop version.
    aka J.L. Frazer on Pinterest :)

  5. You and your mom are so talented! Staying dry in a raft is definitely a talent like staying perfectly clean while painting. (I don't doubt for a moment that your mom does that too.) I love the penguin glass and I have "It's A Jolly Holiday with Mary" playing in my head with all the different voices.

  6. I love how your posts almost always make me laugh. Also, your mom sounds amazing. :D

  7. Wow. Is there anything your mother can't do???

    Your fiancé missed out hugely! He could have been part of your family!

  8. Bah ha ha ha ha! You are hilarious! Also, that window is AWESOME! Also, I can't believe i'm on your blog! Woot! Or was that the other Renee? Anyway, you are super fantastic amazing. :o)

  9. Heather, you're so pretty! ^_^
    And your mom's stained glass penguin is pretty too!

  10. Your mom sounds awesome! (River rafting in an apron and pearls! My heroine! :-D)

  11. I laughed through the whole post but cried with (with joviality) at the Mickey and kid panel.. thank you so much for that. I really needed the break from getting my ward's new PC working with Church HQ.

    Sincerely, Brent (iverscats on Instragram) and Cindy Iverson's hubby.

  12. Everything about and in this post is epic! <3

  13. That stained glass is awesome! Your mom, and you, are very talented!

  14. Your mom IS epic! It doesn't make her sound big... it makes her sound like (word nerd alert):

    "a long poem, typically one derived from ancient oral tradition, narrating the deeds and adventures of heroic or legendary figures or the history of a nation"

    So... your mom is a long poem... that does stained glass... and doesn't get wet while river rafting... okay, I'll stop now.

  15. Ha, ha, I love it. I've been white water rafting so your mother sounds like a very epic woman, indeed - Chuck Norris epic!

  16. My sister Has been white water rafting but she got wet un like your awesome mom and i loved the penguin your mom has a talent i love your art

  17. Funny story and great visuals. Looking forward to seeing more here. :)

  18. Your mom sounds so awesome! It's great to have a parent who is creative, they are so supportive and helpful in our own creative endeavors. :)
    BTW, Jolly Holiday has the best food!

  19. I guess your mom has her own Mary Poppins-vibe - staying dry while waterrafting is sooooo MP!
    Seriously, it's a wonderful gift, lovelingly made, which you'll cherish your whole life.

  20. Hahaha! Thanks you guys #^_^# I should add that my mom has read the comments on this post and she thinks you guys are pretty great too. Just like I do!

    @Renee - It's totally you...I could recognize that reflection anywhere!
