Thursday, August 19, 2010

Jolly, jolly holiday!

So I guess it's no secret that I love Mary Poppins. It's pretty much the best movie ever made. You may think there are better movies, but you're wrong. Mary Poppins is the best.

When I went to Disneyland, I only had one goal: FIND MARY AND BERT. I was so excited about it that all night I dreamt about Mary Poppins.
I was one of the first people in the gates and in line at City Hall, where you can find out what time the characters make an appearance.
Mary and Bert were going to be showing up in Town Square at 11 o'clock. I waited for like FOREVER!!
Finally 11:00 came.

Here's us meeting, in slow-motion:
I got in a few good snuggles before I was ejected from the park.

I got to meet Mary, too! Here's the evidence:
I am a lucky girl :)


  1. I laughed out loud at the slow-mo pictures, especially the broken window. Awesome.

    You'll be happy to know that I actually introduced my son to the movie today. I just had a hankerin' for it and had to watch. Anyway, I'm such a dork -- when I saw them at Disneyland, I was more like, "Pfffft. I could be a better Mary Poppins than her!" But I got my picture with them anyway.

  2. I will take it a step further. Mary Poppins is possibly the most perfect woman ever.

  3. Heather, your posts make me laugh so hard. this post was practically perfect in every way.

  4. Hey!

    That wasn't Julie Andrews!

    She's a fraud!!!!! A Fraaaaaaauud!

  5. Heather you're the best! I love your sense of humor... right up my alley.

    PS-I love this picture of you. So beautiful!

  6. I love your illustrated blogposts. Awesome key poses. I was so sad when I arrived in London and discovered that Mary Poppins is no longer playing here. What other show could be more English?? I'll have to settle for SLC.

  7. That was beyond awesome! The pics were great! Thanks for painting a smile on my face.

  8. LOVE the Disneyland posts. Especially the princess dancing. Okay, and the part about chasing Bert. And the really awesome pics from around the park. All of it makes me want to go to Disneyland and take you along!

  9. HA! You are so adorable! I love the cartoon picture of you - it looks just like you.

    When we went to D-land, Anna was five years old and told Mary Poppins that she is beautiful. Mary replied in her perfect English "Oh! And I think you're lovely!" Lovely. Anna was so impressed by that word that she started calling everyone 'lovely'. It was so sweet. Thanks, Mary Poppins :)

  10. you look so little next to them. Loved the animatic. lolz

  11. Oh my gosh, I couldn't stop laughing. These posts are brilliant (and practically perfect in every way). :)

    Seriously, I may have to frame these.

  12. Mary Poppins is the best movie ever! It makes up for the fact that Julie Andrews didn't get to sing Eliza in the movie version of "My Fair Lady." Almost makes up for it. Maybe.

  13. awesome storyboard!! and you are so cute ^_^

  14. I was a Character Entertainment Intern in Florida for about 9 months in 2009. I STILL go crazy when I see characters--even the ones who were my "Best Friends"!

  15. Do you have a Mary Poppins costume? Where did you get it? One of these years Steven and I will be Mary and Bert...

  16. You're so pretty =)

  17. oh my are too funny lol :D
